We are living in a world that is rapidly changing, especially in the Church. During this time of unprecedented change, the Church of the future must begin to rightly discern where we are going. The Church is now at a critical crossroad in time, and we need wisdom from God to know what is next—as the sons of Issachar who had an understanding of the times and what Israel ought to do (1 Chron 12:32).

We must meet the challenges of our changing world without sacrificing the sacred. We must become culturally relevant without becoming spiritually irrelevant. As we know, God never changes; but as our understanding of God and Truth unfolds, our capacity for greater perspective increases and changes.

The time of change demands that the future Church must rethink fundamental issues, guiding principles, ways of conducting services, and influencing the culture. Now is the time for the Church to respond to the cultural and societal changes. As Church leaders, we must begin to lead from the future with understanding.

There must be a new relevance in order to create an environment where the unique potential of each individual can be actualized. People will follow ethical leaders who release them into their Kingdom purpose. I believe the Spirit of the Lord has been downloading five things into the Church:

1. New Thoughts           – A New Way of Thinking

2. New Ideas                 – A New Way of Dreaming

3. New Methodologies – A New Way of Doing Things

4. New Technologies    – A New Way of Describing God’s Activity

5. New Terminologies  – A New Way of Communicating

We have now been given the opportunity to model ethical, decent, honest, reliable, and principled behavior leadership. Leaders must have fundamental integrity. Paul was able to say, “Follow me as I follow Christ.” True Kingdom leaders must have credibility. They must be honorable and trustworthy. They must depend on God and truly care for God’s people. Effectiveness is dependent upon character.

The Kingdom of God demands a new order to come forward in the Church during this time of change. This new order emerges from a sequence of reformations that create a new kind of Church. What is this new order of the Kingdom that is demanded of the future Church? It is a new order of unity and diversity, creativity, revelation, enlightenment, alignment, innovation, wisdom, knowledge, and stability. This is what the world is waiting and groaning for—the manifestation of the sons of God to discover who they really are: the Church of the Kingdom leading from the future!

For His Kingdom,

Dr. Levy H. Knox, Visionary & Founding Bishop
Kingdom Network of Churches International


In the spirit of enthusiastic service around your highest 2021 ideals, I strongly encourage you to apply the following 21 actions so you can start the new year operating at your absolute best:

  1. Show COURAGE
  2. LEARN more than is normal
  3. RISK more than is required
  4. FORGIVE the unforgiven.
  5. BE KINDER than expected
  6. MEDITATE each morning
  7. INSPIRE others by your bigness
  9. DELIVER MORE than is needed
  10. READ an hour each day
  11. EXERCISE often
  13. Adore MASTERY
  14. Exude PASSION
  18. Stay HUMBLE
  19. Aim for GENIUS
  20. Be an ORIGINAL
  21. ACT NOW

And remember:

You are BRAVER than you believe,
STRONGER than you know,
and SMARTER than you think.

Together, let’s make 2021 OUR BEST YEAR. Yet.

Blessed Christmas to our KNCI Family!

It is with great excitement and joy that Pastor Delia and I greet you during this Christmas season as we celebrate truly the most wonderful time of the year: the birth of Christ…The God within.

Christmas is a season of gift-giving and the time at which we are to give ourselves to the ultimate gift: CHRIST-AWARENESS. We must recognize God as the only substance and source of our being and our lives. Affirm with us right now:

My life is the life of God!
I am blessed, fit, fulfilled, and fantastic with God as my all-sufficiency in
all things!

During this Christmas season, amid all of the uncertainties in the world, a lot of noise, and less signal, let’s remember to be thankful for the precious gift of life. Let’s choose this month to be creative and to create a new life and a new world in thought, word, action, love, and Spirit.

The gospel of the Kingdom is good news. The good news is that in Christ we are citizens of the Kingdom of heaven, and all of the resources of that Kingdom are available to help us live in victory on a daily basis in the here and now. Jesus said, pray, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10).

As you already know being such a vital part of our wonderful KNCI family, our fellowship and activity at KNCI are designed for the purpose of empowering and helping all who are ready and willing to discover and acknowledge the presence, potential, and power of God within. “Though Christ be born a thousand times, if Christ is not born in you, the soul is all forlorn.”

We continue to look forward to you joining us via our live stream services each Sunday, 8:30 & 11 A.M. and Tuesdays, 7 P.M.

Thank you so much for your prayers and financial gifts throughout the year. Please know that Pastor Delia and I, along with our amazing Presbytery, are praying with you and for you, your family, and ministry. Get ready to bring in the new year with a new awareness, awakening, and empowering, realizing Christ in you, the hope of glory. “Christ became as we are so we can become as He is!”

We love you, bless you, appreciate you, and thank God for you! Have a blessed Christmas and an extraordinary Happy New You!

Much Love and Many Blessings!
Bishop Levy and Pastor Delia Knox

2020: The Year Of The Amazing Life!

The Lord is moving Sovereignly among our LWCC family in an AMAZING way!!! I believe that 2020 will be a pivotal year for us all! The year of the “AMAZING LIFE!”

Here are some words that I felt impressed to share with you for this New Year…

1. The Year of Cycles Completeness…
2. The Year of Clarity and Sharpness of Creative Vision…
3. The Year of Mastery and Kingdom Growth…
4. The Year of Open Portals and Open Doors…
5. The Year of The Lord’s Release and Debt Cancellation…
6. The Year of Kingdom Manifestation and Advancement…
7. The Year of The Amazing Life!

I pray that this blesses you as we continue in Advancing the Kingdom of God TOGETHER!!!!

To Your Amazing Life In 2020!!!

Bishop Levy H. Knox

In Memory of My Loving Mother

“You mean everything to me!”

Our day begins with a wake-up phone call each morning and I would hear your loving, joyful voice saying, “Arise, shine; for thy light has come,” and together we would sing, “For the glory of the LORD is risen upon us.” And your response would be, “Blessed day!” Our time of sharing when I came to visit was filled with wisdom, counsel, laughter, and joy. Upon my leaving I would say, “Bendicion,” which, in Spanish, asks for the blessing. You would lay hands upon my head, lean yours next to mine, praying and pronouncing God’s blessings over my life.

Mom, you birthed me naturally and spiritually and through the power of your prayers, led me to receive Christ into my life and experience being born again. God used you to transform my life. You encouraged me from day one at the birth of the vision of LWCC. I watched how you gave yourself “ALL IN,” sacrificing and pouring your life into the work of the Kingdom to see God’s vision for LWCC become a reality. For over three decades you walked by my side, opened the physical doors of the church building, welcoming whosoever will let them come. You founded the Ushers and Love Greeters Ministry, provided support to LWCC Kingdom Academy, funded special projects and outreaches, served countless lives, and the list goes on. There is not enough room on this page to tell the whole story.

I am so blessed to have a mother like you in my life, for without you it would not have been possible for me to do what I do and advance the Kingdom of God. You shaped my beliefs and intellect in the Kingdom core values of integrity, authenticity, love, and serving to help others reach their highest life in Christ. You always inspired and encouraged me to dream big dreams and to be the best at what I’m doing. I always remembered your famous saying: NEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP! All that I am I owe it to you. Your life and ministry to the saints will never been forgotten. You touched many lives with your love, compassion, contagious and pure personality that made everyone feel special. Thank you, Mom, for having given yourself to the Lord and allowing Him to work through you. Our lives are changed. Thomas Campbell once said, “To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.”

Mom, you are one of God’s chosen vessels who carried out His will on earth. You are rare, unusual, extraordinary, exceptional, invaluable, uncommon, and second to none. I can say today that if God had not given you to me as my mother, I don’t know where I would be. Your presence and power of a responsible, authentic, loving mother not only transformed my life but my future. I am what I am today because you saw in me what I did not see in myself. You believed in me when no one else would believe in me. I never knew what God’s love was like until I experienced God loving me through you. We shared a rare bond of love for each other that could never be expressed by words only. A love that cannot be explained but must be experienced. God loves us unconditionally and that’s the only love that is real. Victor Hugo said, “The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.” And oh, Mama dear, did I feel loved by you!

You provide me with endless joy and happiness that will sustain me each time I’m reminded of your unconditional love that you’ve shown to me. Thank you from my heart for the gift of your guidance, kindness, and support you brought into my life and filling my life with a love that knew no bounds. Your “can do” and “nothing is impossible” attitude was infectious. Our time shared together as mother and son is one of no regrets. You are the greatest mother of all. Our time of loving, praying, sharing, laughing, and serving our Lord Jesus Christ together will live on in my heart for eternity. You always taught me to trust God and have faith in Him because He will never fail us. For that I will be eternally grateful. I will certainly miss our time together, our early morning arise and shine phone greetings, my visits in the home with you, and the impartation of your blessing through the laying on of hands in my life. Yet what you have imparted into my life will last for the rest of my life. I may not be able to touch you now, Mom, but I can certainly feel your touch. Your voice may be gone but it will never be silent; for as long as my voice is heard your voice will be heard. Your legacy will continue through your family for you are our Matriarch. You have passed on a legacy that will continue for generations and generations to come. There is a difference between an inheritance and a legacy. An inheritance is what you leave behind; a legacy is who you leave behind. You have passed on a rich legacy and heritage for your family to continue.

You are not gone; just out of sight but never out of my heart. Hebrews 12:1 is clear – that you are in the great cloud of witnesses cheering us on. You are now in the presence of God and graduated into glory. Even at the closing of your life you left us with a Prophetic Word: “God is about to do something so wonderful like you have never seen before. There’s coming a new beginning.” So, I celebrate you Mom, your life, love, and leadership and I honor your legacy today. You are my CHAMPION, my MENTOR, my SHERO, my QUEEN, my Mama dear. You mean everything to me. I love you deeply, Mom, with the love that knows no bounds. We will see each other again.

Your loving Son forever!