2020: The Year Of The Amazing Life!

The Lord is moving Sovereignly among our LWCC family in an AMAZING way!!! I believe that 2020 will be a pivotal year for us all! The year of the “AMAZING LIFE!”

Here are some words that I felt impressed to share with you for this New Year…

1. The Year of Cycles Completeness…
2. The Year of Clarity and Sharpness of Creative Vision…
3. The Year of Mastery and Kingdom Growth…
4. The Year of Open Portals and Open Doors…
5. The Year of The Lord’s Release and Debt Cancellation…
6. The Year of Kingdom Manifestation and Advancement…
7. The Year of The Amazing Life!

I pray that this blesses you as we continue in Advancing the Kingdom of God TOGETHER!!!!

To Your Amazing Life In 2020!!!

Bishop Levy H. Knox